at DeCAD
Admissions started for A.Y. 2023-24
Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA) - Painting
Diploma in Applied Art
Get in touch with us for the prospectus & further information about the admission procedure etc.
Write us at : admissions@decad.in
Or call us on : +91-9422632826, +91-9767474299, +91-7774859212, +91-2354-262109,
Monday - Saturday, 10 AM - 5 PM (except on 2nd & 4th Saturdays)
A 4 year degree course, affiliated to the Mumbai University (min. qualification - 10+2 in any stream). This course guides you to find your artistic style with the help of traditional & modern techniques of drawing & painting.
This 2 year full time vocational course in Applied Art is affiliated to Maharshtra State Board of Vocational Education (MSBVE). This is an excellent opportunity for 10th passed students to acquire job oriented education and skills in the field of ‘Applied Art’ at DeCAD.